Beryl is a generic term for a group of gems made of mineral beryl, which has different colors because it merges with different discoloring impurities during the formation. Apart from emeralds, the most precious beryl is aquamarine.
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Beryl mainly exists in granite pegmatites, but is also found in sandstones and mica schist, growing together with tin and tungsten. Most of beryl mines are located in Austria, Germany, Ireland, Madagascar, the Ural Mountains and Northwest China.
Beryl crystals are hexagonal with longitudinal lines on the face. The crystals may be very small, but they may also be several meters long. The hardness is 7.5-8 and specific gravity is 2.63-2.80.
Pure beryl is colorless. However, most beryl crystals are green, and some are light blue, yellow, white and rosy, with glassy luster.